Why Missing the June 15 Tax Deadline for US Taxpayers Abroad Could Be Costly?

如果您是美国纳税人(公民), 绿卡持有人或居民)居住在国外, 每年的这个时候从任何意义上来说都是很费力的.


个人 Income Tax Returns are normally due on April 15th. However, if the 15th falls on a weekend or national holiday the deadline is extended. 2023年的15号是在一个周末, 接下来的星期一是华盛顿特区的假日, 所以2023年的申请日期是4月18日.


If you are a US Taxpayer living outside the US on April 18th you receive an automatic extension for filing your Federal Income Tax return until June 15th this year to get that all-important documentation to the IRS.

If you are unable to file your return by the June 15th extended deadline you may request an additional extension through to October 16th and with IRS approval to as late as December 15th if necessary.


美国国税局会对迟交的税款进行处罚, by extending your tax filing deadline you can avoid these penalties.


The IRS imposes a penalty for late payment of the income tax you owe. While this penalty can be avoided by timely filing an extension you will owe interest on any late payment. And earlier this year, “borrowing” from the IRS became 更多的 expensive for late payers. 1月, the Service announced that interest rates would increase for individuals to 7%, 每天. So, 虽然您可以通过使用扩展来避免处罚, you are paying for the privilege of delaying payment from the April deadline onwards.


You may also owe State Income tax and have a tax return filing obligation either because you have income sourced from one of the US States, or because you are still treated as a tax resident of the State.

You will need to check the filing and payment deadlines for each state where you have a filing or payment obligation, as some States do not follow the filing/payment rules for Federal Income Tax purposes.


To recap, here are some tax tips to consider for US Taxpayers:

  • Extension to file does not avoid interest payments: 15 June is an extension to file returns, 而不是延期偿还欠款, so the clock is ticking on 7% interest from the usual April deadline.
  • Further extensions are available: Mid-June need not be the final cut-off before penalties are incurred – there is an opportunity to extend your filing obligation further, 如果缺乏可用的信息.
  • It pays to understand your tax liability: In good time before next year’s deadline, 了解你的纳税义务是什么, 包括所有联邦, 州税和地方税, and ensure you are saving the right amount throughout the year to pay your bill. Ideally, you will at least pay an estimated amount before mid-April to avoid interest payments.
  • Beware the deadlines for State taxes: Do not overlook that there may be a different deadline for your State tax return(s). If a client has not informed us of state-sourced income in a timely fashion, then relying on the automatic extension to June could mean a missed deadline at the State level.
  • Consider your children’s tax liabilities: Do they have any investments that need to be reported? A filing requirement will be triggered if there are capital gains in their names, 例如. 激励计划是可行的, 你可以把钱放进免税的罐子里吗, 例如, 如果这笔钱用于教育.
  • Seek specialist US tax advice: Experience tells us that investing in expertise to help you file your US taxes is likely to save you handsomely in the long run.

The US tax system has caught out many US taxpayers living abroad, but it need not be feared. 如果你对自己的责任有充分的了解, 保持自律,把欠下的钱存起来, 在报税时寻求专家的建议, being a US Taxpayer living overseas does not have to give you a tax headache.

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